138: Mirrored Flying Toaster Eyes
Mirror Episode Part 2.
Every Next Generation episode that has a part one mustconcludethestory in part two - so it goes with Earl Grey'soriginal"mirror"Next Gen episode. In Earl Grey 135 "Fabio'sMirror,"LieutenantsWorf and Barclay, along with Ensign Ro,foundthemselvesunexpectedly trapped in a universe where CaptainWillRiker leadsthe crew of the Enterprise V, along with hisfirstofficer DeannaTroi and Terminator-like enforcer Data. At theend ofthe laststory, Reg was attempting to impersonate hismirrorcounterpart, aninjured Worf was guarding the PrimeUniverseshuttlecraft, Ro wascrawling through the ship  in herblackpajamas , andIntendant Jean-Luc Picard was teaming up withDukat tofurtheroppress the Bajora.

In the epic conclusion, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip endthestorywith an engineering crew that will kill their crew matesassoon asrepair an EPS conduit, Reg finding a way to use Dataintheandroid's seldom used "danger mode," and asurprisingappearancefrom the Enterprise V's chief medical officer.Join EarlGrey on a"mirror" adventure that will either have youhungering formorestories from this "parallel" universe or else makeyou gladTNGnever attempted this story on their own.  

Previously on Earl Grey (00:00:39)
Ro (00:06:40)
Worf (00:16:32)
Barclay (00:20:52)
Dr. Crusher (00:29:14)
Keys to Data (00:35:28)
Getting Home (00:41:25)
Ending (00:52:30)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus,&DarrenMoser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) CBryanJones(Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (ExecutiveProducer)Norman C.Lao (Executive Producer) Stephen Boyd (AssociateProducer)RonSaarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez(ProductionManager)Will Nguyen (ContentManager)
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Direct download: eg-138.mp3
Category:Rewrite -- posted at: 7:00am MDT





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