Earl Grey 115: Mr. President, Tear Down This Neutral Zone

Debate: Is Starfleet Military or Exploration? 

There are fan arguments that have been debated since Star Trek: The Next Generation first aired on television - Who is the better Enterprise captain? Which starship would win in a fight? Is Starfleet a military or exploratory organization? Earl Grey tackles this last question for this week's episode and attempts to explore (or militarize!) the answer.

Phillip moderates the debate that examines the origins of Starfleet in the 22nd and 23rd Century, as well as how it is portrayed in the 24th century. Darren powers up the phaser array and loads the torpedo tubes for his arguments that Starfleet is a military organization. From its use of naval ranks, a chain of command, weapons, patrols of Federation space, and the use of Starfleet personnel as soldiers in the "bloody, bloody" Cardassian War, we see an organization that is similar to the armed services of the 21st Century. Daniel, Mr. Blue Shirt himself, explains how Starfleet is a futuristic NASA, with its focus on scientific missions, a Starfleet Academy that instructs its people on science and enginnering principles, and how its mantra is literally to "explore strange, new worlds."

Join this episode of Earl Grey, as these #BridgeMates name drop Zefram Cochrane at the drop of a tequila glass in order to prove their points, and finally put to rest whether Starfleet is a military or exploratory organization.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

The Fan Debate (00:03:13)
Bolian Contingent (00:06:57)
24th Century Starfleet/TNG (00:09:23)
23rd Century Starfleet (00:20:27)
Military Starlet (00:23:54)
Exploration Starfleet (00:35:30)
Admirals? (00:48:27)
Final Thoughts (00:50:70)

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Direct download: eg-115.mp3
Category:Federation -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 114: Pre-Pilot Cold Open

Voyager/TNG Crossover.

The Next Generation featured some "crossover" episodes with Deep Space Nine, from "Birthright, Part 1" to "Firstborn." By the time Star Trek: Voyager reached the airwaves, TNG had warped away from TV to become its own film franchise. In this episode, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip travel to a parallel universe where season 8 of Next Gen is on the airwaves along with the first season of Voyager. What would a meeting of Captains Jean-Luc Picard and Kathryn Janeway have looked like? How would the crews of the Galaxy and Intrepid-class vessels react to each other? Would such a meeting take place in the Alpha or Delta Quadrant?

Earl Grey talks about the myriad of possibilities between the two ship-based Star Trek series set in the 24th Century. From the battle of tea v. coffee, resurrecting the ill-fated original first officer, doctor, and conn officer of the NCC-74656, and figuring how Deep Space Nine could make an appearance well. The trio discuss the possibility of a "backdoor" pre-pilot for the fourth Trek series on TNG, featuring a special appearance by former Lieutenant Ro Laren as a Maquis fighter on the Valjean. Join Earl Grey as they help Dr. Beverly Crusher install the EMH and talk about a Voyager crossover episode on The Next Generation. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

The Premise (00:03:00)
How they meet (00:05:03)
Ro (00:11:30)
Crossover Characters (00:18:01)
Troi's Niece (00:29:25)

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Direct download: eg-114.mp3
Category:Controversy -- posted at: 9:00am MDT

Earl Grey 113: Sisterhood of the Traveling Skants

Gender Bender

The Next Generation was lead by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his mostly male crew of officers. In this episode of Earl Grey, the trio gain inspiration from the IDW "Star Trek" comic book series called "Parallel Lives"that "flipped" the genders of the JJ-verse cast. How would the Enterprise-D's adventures unfold with Captain Jean Picard and her crew?

Daniel, Darren, and Phillip beam aboard Jarrah Hodge (co-host, "Women at Warp") to analyze the main and secondary characters of Next Gen under a "gender bender" thought experiment. Whether it's Commander Riker - a first officer who echoes Captain Phillipa Louvois ("The Measure of a Man") or her long-lost love Dean E. Troi - a sensitive Betazoid who is not only in touch with his feelings, but in touch with everyone else's. Earl Grey, along with Jarrah, analyze what characteristics would have remained the same if the sexes had been switched, what stereotypes may have been challenged, and how Suzie Plakson's Q would have made for quite a different "encounter." From uniform to name changes, and everything in between, join Earl Grey in this "gender bender" episode that imagines a parallel universe for the crew of TNG.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Jarrah Hodge

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Jean Lucy Picard
Wilma Riker
Data (00:37:16)
Warf, daughter of Mogh (00:45:31)
Georgia LaForge (00:48:30)
Lt Nathan Yar (Who?) (00:53:20)
Chief M'lady Obrien (00:56:20)

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Direct download: eg-113.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 9:00am MDT






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