Earl Grey 127: Daniel's Technicolor Dream Uniform

Starfleet Career Path, Part 2.

The Next Generation, and the other 24th Century Star Trek series, can sometimes be inconsistent with how they show a career path in Starfleet. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren finish their focus on the "colors" of careers by looking at the gold shirts of the Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E: the engineering/operations and security officers. They go from the rank of ensign to the upper ranks, examining life as a yellow shirt on the flagship - as well as the need to create more colors to better describe one's job.

Earl Grey also focuses on the crewmen who do the real work on the ship, to include the very important transport chiefs (other than Chief O'Brien). The trio take turns discussing what their own career paths would be on TNG if they began as young, fresh-from-the-Academy ensigns. Join Earl Grey as they go into the "lower decks" and talk Starfleet Career Paths, Part 2. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Golden Opportunities in Ops/ENG (00:03:04)
LT  (00:25:57)
LTCMDR  (00:29:37)
The Gold Team/Red Shirts TNG (Security) (00:32:13)
Saturday Morning Trek (00:40:34)
We work for a living/Enlist (00:49:03)
Your Career Path (00:53:02)

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Direct download: eg-127.mp3
Category:Federation -- posted at: 6:00am MDT






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