162: Grr... Yeah

Earl Grey 162: Grr... Yeah  

Recast TNG.  

James T. Kirk and Spock are arguably the most beloved and well-known characters in Star Trek. With the newest movies released, does one prefer William Shatner over Chris Pine or Leonard Nimoy over Zachary Quinto? What will happen if we reboot The Next Generation? As it stands now, Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner are the names associated with Jean-Luc Picard and Data, respectively. But, who would play these characters now?  

In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Lee Hutchison, Richard Marquez, and Amy Nelson look at a recast of The Next Generation. We decide if our interpretation of a reboot series would be in the Prime or Kelvin timeline, or if this reboot takes place now versus the 1980's. Each host prepares and defends their choice of actors that would play the main characters of TNG.  

00:00:39 - Introduction (00:00:39)   
Prime or Kelvin Timeline (00:02:39)   
Wesley Crusher (00:03:52)   
Geordi LaForge (00:06:23)   
Beverly Crusher (00:10:05)   
William Riker (00:12:23)   
Worf (00:17:07)   
Data (00:23:01)   
Deanna Troi (00:27:15)   
Jean-Luc Picard (00:30:57)   
Full List Review (00:35:52)  
Closing (00:40:40)  

Lee Hutchison, Richard Marquez, and Amy Nelson

Richard Marquez (Editor) Lee Hutchison (Producer) Amy Nelson (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Michael E. Hueter (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)

Direct download: EG-162.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 3:00am MDT

154: Sky's the Limit
Crew Finale.

"The trial never ended, captain.  We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty."

Daniel Proulx, Darren Moser, and Phillip Gilfus stood, provisionally, as representatives of Star Trek: The Next Generation fans for three years - never missing a week of giving testimony and evidence in defense of their favorite Star Trek series. But they now stand before Q one last time to receive their final verdict.

The trio ends their time on Earl Grey in this episode - remembering their favorite podcast moments, what kept them coming to the mics week after week, what they believe are the "essential" ingredients for doing a Trek podcast, and what they will keep with them as they move on to their next adventure together. Listen for a "Shades of Grey" experience, as clips from past shows are intermixed with Daniel, Darren, and Phillip's list of "thank you's" to those many people who helped made their time at Trek.fm something they will never forget. They also spend their last moments recognizing what they learned most from each other (though not holographically in front of a Windows 95 desktop background).

"You just don't get it, do you, Jean-Luc? The trial never ends. We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did."

Earl Grey spent time exploring the best way to experience bij, the importance of the shift key, and why it's not important to remember Q-episode titles. More than that, they explored and exhibited the spirit of Next Gen - a utopian vision of the future where the ties of friendship ensures that a crew can survive any danger and improve themselves through shared missions of exploration.

Earl Grey remind all listeners to stay tuned and that a new crew will soon take their stations ... after all, there's still plenty of letters left in the alphabet.

"In any case, I'll be watching. And if you're very lucky, I'll drop by to say hello from time to time. See you ... out there!"

Leaving (00:03:56)
Shades of Earl Grey Montage? (00:11:00)
Favorite Moments (00:16:13)
Thanking Guests (01:01:50)
Thanking the Lower Decks (01:17:59)
To the Future Hosts of Earl Grey (01:25:14)
Closing Statements (01:32:14)
The End (01:58:49)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)
Direct download: eg-154.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

151: TNG Forever
Enduring Popularity of TNG.

Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered on television in 1987 - almost 30 years later, the second live incarnation of Star Trek on television remains a vital part of the franchise and an enduring pop culture icon. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren have taken apart TNG for over three years on this podcast - discussing characters, story lines, technical aspects, themes, and everything else in between. This has led to one great question: What is behind the enduring popularity of Next Gen?

Earl Grey conducts a roundtable discussion that focuses on how TNG remains relevant, what characters and storylines fit in with today's world, and how new fans are "re-discovering" a thirty-year-old television show. They examine the reputation of Next Gen compared to the other Trek series, what the stereotypes are, and what the "popular opinion" is of Captain Picard and the crew of the 24th Century starship Enterprise. Join Earl Grey as they compress their 3 years worth of discussions into one retrospective episode about the enduring popularity of Star Trek: The Next Generation. 

Listeners know #BridgeMates from Earl Grey episodes 82 (“When in Doubt Choose Data”), 109 (“He Hasn't Watched That One”), and 141 (“The Council of Mistresses”), as well as To the Journey 117 (“BridgeMates Rematch”) and Standard Orbit 102 (“Trying to Kill Zoolander”). There is even the original trivia panel show “Encounter at All Good Things” from Earl Grey 137.

Earl Grey is proud to announce a live presentation of “Super BridgeMates” at the Star Trek Las Vegas 50th Anniversary Convention on Friday, August 5 from 12:30 to 1:15 pm. It will be held on the Roddenberry Stage at Quark's Bar, hosted by Phillip Hunter Gilfus. Your favorite team of “Free Enterprise” (Darren Moser and Daniel Proulx) will attempt to escape defeat (again) against two rival BridgeMate Teams - “Team Lizard Babies” (Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell) and “The Council of Mistresses” (Andi VanderKolk and Jarrah Hodge).

When it comes to celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek, regular BridgeMates simply won't do. That's why this game show will be “Super BridgeMates”- a fun-filled, comedic game show involving fans, cosplayers, and audience members. Not only will the teams compete in hilarious trivia, but those in the audience will participate by acting out selected scenes from our favorite Star Trek moments and cosplayers will help create puzzles for the teams to solve. It's all about the love of Star Trek! ‪#‎roddenberry‬

Roundtable Questions (00:04:27)
Closing (00:54:47)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)

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Direct download: eg-151.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Holodeck Tools.

It's a Star Trek cliche in the 24th Century - the Holodeck breaks down, threatening our favorite Starfleet crew members, and hijinx ensue. However, the concept of the Holodeck means more than just using it for off-hour recreational purposes. The use of holographic technology changes the way the crew of the NCC-1701-D approach their work and the way they view their lives. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip dissect The Next Generation's use of the Holodeck as a tool in the workplace.

The Federation flagship, like the modern office, must conduct employee training - but instead of tedious PowerPoint presentations, officers take tests in the Holodeck for promotion ("Thine Own Self"). Instead of researching documents on LexisNexis, crewmembers can call up holographic recreations of facilities and people who can directly give needed information ("Booby Trap"). Groups who need to reconstruct people's memories or eyewitness accounts can congregate in the Holodeck to see if they can create the same picture ("Schisms"/"A Matter of Perspective"). Join Earl Grey as they outline the many non-fantasy uses of the Holodeck.

Troi - Officers Exam Main Engineering (Thine Own Self) 7/16 (00:03:17)
Geordi - Utopia Planitia (Booby Trap) 3/6 (00:12:13)
Nikolai - Scenery and Caves (Homeward) 7/13 (00:16:19)
Geordi - Away Mission (Identity Crisis) 4/18 (00:21:38)
Enterprise - Train to New Vertiform City Simulation (Emergence) 7/23 (00:25:23)
Barcly - Interface Chair (The Nth Degree) 4/19 (00:31:16)
Picard - Covert Mission Training (Chain of Command) 6/10 (00:33:01)
Riker - Table Making (Schisms) 6/5 (00:35:00)
Picard - Science Station (A Matter of Perspective) 3/14 (00:37:17)
Daniel's Soap Box (00:42:00)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

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Direct download: eg-144.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

139: The Q and the A
Earl Grey AMA

It's time to turn the table on the three co-hosts - instead of them talking about their chosen topic, the trio answers listener-submitted questions in the first "Ask Me Anything, Earl Grey Edition." Through e-mail and Babel Conference comments, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip reveal their non-Trek-based hobbies, favorite podcasts, and how they got start with the trek.fm network. Daniel is put on the spot about his feelings on "Time's Arrow (Parts 1 and 2)" and Commander Flipper's career track. Darren explains his many Star Wars-based real life adventures. Phillip talks about creating his many "Star Trek: The Next Generation"-based games.

This AMA also reveals a hidden talent of Daniel's, as well as almost stumping the hosts about what non-TNG episodes should be placed in Next Gen. The co-hosts end up "submitting" questions of their own to be answered, takes some questions for future episode ideas, and drop hints about upcoming episode topics. Join Earl Grey as they answer your questions in their first ever "Ask Me Anything" episode. 

Questions (00:01:47)
Conclusion (00:47:16)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Direct download: eg-139.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

134: Who Shot Captain Picard?
TNG Two Parters. The Best of Both Worlds was one of the most pivotal cliff-hanger stories in Star Trek: The Next Generation. TNG created eight two part episodes that extended a single story into several plot layers and great character moments. Long before the "long format" approach to story telling, this was the best way to enhance suspense and draw out a characters arc. Join Darren, Daniel and Phillip as they compare the strong vs weaker halves of TNG's two parter's.

The Best of Both Worlds (00:03:49)
Season 3 Episode 26 / Season 4 Episode 1

Redemption (00:10:07)
Season 4 Episode 26 / Season 5 Episode 1

Unification (00:16:12)
Season 5 Episode 7 & 8

Time's Arrow (00:21:52)
Season 5 Episode 26 / Season 6 Episode 1

Chain of Command (00:27:47)
Season 6 Episode 10 & 11

Birthright (00:33:01)
Season 6 Episode 16 & 17

Descent (00:37:09)
Season 6 Episode 26 / Season 7 Episode 1

Gambit (00:40:56)
Season 7 Episode 4 & 5

Final Thoughts (00:47:41)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Direct download: eg-134.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

130: Surprise Party Universe

Episodes That Never Happened.

We have all seen episodes (or entire seasons!) of television shows that end with, "It was all just a dream!" It can sometimes feel like such storytelling is a "cheat" or are a waste of time. This week, Phillip, Darren, and Daniel pick out episodes of "The Next Generation" that may not have "really" happened, as far as the crew of the Enterprise-D is concerned. The trio asks whether these episodes are still enjoyable or whether it would have been better to have a storyline that "actually" occurred instead.

Earl Grey examines episodes featuring amnesia, such as "Conundrum" and "Thine Own Self," as well as "It was all an illusion!" episodes like "Future Imperfect," "Remember Me," and "Frame of Mind." They also tackle "complicated" fan favorites such as "Inner Light," "Yesterday's Enterprise,""Tapestry," and "All Good Things..." They look at whether episodes that are "outside" reality help or hurt a story. Other episodes they look at include "Parallels," ""Tapestry," and "Cause and Effect." 

Join Earl Grey for this week's podcast about the "never happened" episodes ... which hopefully will not be considered a waste of time for listeners (though they may hit the reset button at the end).

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Point 1 - No Memory
 "Clues" (Everyone but Data) (00:03:44)
"Thine Own Self" (Just Data) (00:07:54)

Point 2 - It's Complicated (They did happen, but not really...)
"Inner Light" (00:11:50)
"Yesterday's Enterprise" (00:15:37)
"Tapestry" (00:18:40)
"All Good Things" (00:23:09)
"Parallels" (00:28:07)
"Cause and Effect" (00:33:22)

Point 3 - It Was All An Illusion 
"Conundrum" (00:36:10)
"Future Imperfect" (00:37:12)
"Remember Me" (00:41:04)
"Frame of Mind" (00:43:11)

Final Thoughts (00:45:23)

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Direct download: eg-130.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 123: Hashtag Humblebrag

Favorite Earl Grey episodes.

Star Trek: The Next Generation has inspired, motivated, and entertained fans for almost thirty years -- especially three specific (and familiar) fans: Darren Moser, Daniel Proulx, and Phillip Gilfus. The trio of Earl Grey look back over the 122 Next Gen topics they have discussed for three years and pick their top three favorite shows, as well as some honorable mention podcast episodes.

Their choices include their crossovers with other trek.fm podcasts, like "Earl Grey 15: The Movie Should Write Itself," an in-depth look at the inaugural TNG film Star Trek: Generations with the co-hosts of "Standard Orbit," and "Earl Grey 100: All Ships Are Big Shuttles," a role-playing game celebrating TNG and the trekfm family. The trio remember their once-in-a-lifetime interview with Counselor Deanna Troi herself, Marina Sirtis ("Earl Grey 112: Troi, Goddess of Internity"), as well as one of their many signature game-playing adventures when, together, they defeated "Not Gowron" during "Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game: A Klingon Challenge" ("Earl Grey 69: Experience Bij").

The co-hosts also talk about the much-beloved game #BridgeMates ("Earl Grey 82: When In Doubt, Choose Data"), their first episode re-write of a TNG episode, "Masks" (Earl Grey 105: Snakebot: The Great Librarian), and discuss the origins, operations, and favorite aspects of this weekly Next Gen podcast. So enjoy a nice warm cup of Earl Grey and join Darren, Daniel, and Phillip as they reflect on their favorite episodes of this podcast.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Host Picks
DM - 15: The Movie Should Write Itself - Generations Crossover with Standard Orbit 12/24/13 (00:14:13)
PG - 93: Port Side Rules Starboard Drools - Darren's Single Use Sets 6/23/15 (00:08:54)
DP - 82: When in Doubt Choose Data - Bridgemates 4/7/15 (00:14:31)
DM - 69: Experience Bij - ST:TNG The Interactive VCR Board Game 1/6/15 (00:19:51)
PG - 43: What You Leave Behind - Daniel's TOS elements 7/8/14 (00:24:32)
DP - 105: Snakebot: The Great Librarian - Darren's Masks Rewrite 9/15/15 (00:28:57)
DM - 81: The Picard Conspiracy - Starfleet reading through reports 3/31/15 (00:32:17)
PG - 100: All Ships Are Big Shuttles - ENTNGRPG 8/10/15 (00:35:27)
DP - 112: Troi, Goddess of Internity - Marina Sirtis Interview 11/3/15 (00:41:08) 
Honorable Mentions
DP - 110: The Shift Key Is Your Friend - A Final Unity Video Game 10/20/15 (00:49:56)
PG - 32: The Magnificent Seven - 1 Episode Per Season 4/22/14 (00:52:22)
DM - 111: Bird-of-Prey Selfies - On the Ready Room 9/10/13 (00:54:41)
Closing (01:02:10)

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Direct download: eg-123.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

TNG Guest Stars.

The Next Generation was not accepted as official "Star Trek" during its first episodes and seasons, but it did not take long for TNG to become a pop culture phenomena. Every Trek series attracts guest stars, but there are also celebrities who, as Trekkies themselves, would love a chance to appear on the starship Enterprise. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip talk about those cameos and special appearances in this episode.

Actors from other famous TV shows and movies, including Kelsey Grammer ("Cause and Effect"), Kirsten Dunst ("Dark Page"), and Ashley Judd ("Darmok," "The Game"), appeared on the flagship in various episodes. However, there are those from the fields of science, e.g., astronaut Mae Jamison ("Second Chances") and Stephen Hawking ("Descent, Part 1"), and music, e.g., Michelle Phillips ("We'll Always Have Paris") and Mick Fleetwood ("Manhunt"), who wish to appear on their favorite television show. Join Earl Grey as they tour all the guests star of Next Gen who added a spark of celebrity of our favorite Trek series. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Guest Stars (00:02:50)
Ken Jenkins -  Dr. Paul Stubbs “Evolution” (00:12:07)
Ashley Judd - Robin Lefler “Darmok” and “The Game.” (00:17:00)
Teri Hatcher - Lieutenant B.G. Robinson “The Outrageous Okona”. (00:20:30)
James Cromwell - Zefram Cochrane “Star Trek: First Contact” (00:22:37)
Stephen Hawking - Himself "Decent" (00:27:49)
Mae Jamison - Lt. JG Palmer "Second Chances" (00:34:10)
Terry O'Quinn -  Admiral Eric Pressman "The Pegasus." (00:47:10)
Saul Rubinek -  Kivas Fajo "The Most Toys" (00:50:56)

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Direct download: eg-117.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 113: Sisterhood of the Traveling Skants

Gender Bender

The Next Generation was lead by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his mostly male crew of officers. In this episode of Earl Grey, the trio gain inspiration from the IDW "Star Trek" comic book series called "Parallel Lives"that "flipped" the genders of the JJ-verse cast. How would the Enterprise-D's adventures unfold with Captain Jean Picard and her crew?

Daniel, Darren, and Phillip beam aboard Jarrah Hodge (co-host, "Women at Warp") to analyze the main and secondary characters of Next Gen under a "gender bender" thought experiment. Whether it's Commander Riker - a first officer who echoes Captain Phillipa Louvois ("The Measure of a Man") or her long-lost love Dean E. Troi - a sensitive Betazoid who is not only in touch with his feelings, but in touch with everyone else's. Earl Grey, along with Jarrah, analyze what characteristics would have remained the same if the sexes had been switched, what stereotypes may have been challenged, and how Suzie Plakson's Q would have made for quite a different "encounter." From uniform to name changes, and everything in between, join Earl Grey in this "gender bender" episode that imagines a parallel universe for the crew of TNG.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Jarrah Hodge

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Jean Lucy Picard
Wilma Riker
Data (00:37:16)
Warf, daughter of Mogh (00:45:31)
Georgia LaForge (00:48:30)
Lt Nathan Yar (Who?) (00:53:20)
Chief M'lady Obrien (00:56:20)

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Direct download: eg-113.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 9:00am MDT

Earl Grey 111: Soylent Maroon is People

Spooky TNG.

Mystery. Flickering lights. Strange sounds ... and clicking ... always the familiar, repeating clicking sounds ...

Star Trek: The Next Generation has its fair share of episodes that cause fans to hide behind the couch. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip turn down the lights, get out the flashlights ... er, palm beacons, and talk about their favorite spooky TNG episodes. 

There is the surreal happenings in the fourth season outing "Night Terrors," where a sleepless crew fights their own minds playing tricks on them. The trio also discusses the alien abduction mystery "Schisms," with the "scary" talents of the Holodeck computer knowing the difference between a table and a chair. The sixth season gave fans the Inception-like episode "Frame of Mind," with Commander William Riker taking us on a psychotic thriller of a ride. Then there is the "100% scientifically-accurate" story "Genesis," which has us ready to hang from the bulkheads, as we look out for "de-evolved" Lieutenant Worf or Spider-Barclay.

So feel the terror in this Halloween-inspired episode of Earl Grey, as they discuss the spooky episodes of Next Gen.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Night Terrors (4x17) (00:03:07)
Schisms (6x05) (00:13:04)
Frame of Mind (6x21) (00:23:42)
Crew of Misplaced Aliens (00:29:54)
Genesis (7x19) (00:33:40)
Honorable Mentions (00:46:48)
Rank (00:53:23)

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Direct download: eg-111.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 2:57pm MDT

Earl Grey 93: Port Side Rules Starboard Drools

Single Use Sets.

The U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, is one of the largest starships in 24th century Starfleet. It makes sense that viewers only got to see certain sections of the ship during its seven years on television. In this episode, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip go through the various parts of the ship (and re-dressed sets) that were only rarely seen. From the seldom used battle bridge (with its accompanying Ensign Miles O'Brien action figure) to the torpedo bay featured in the episode "In Theory," these sets were used as other ship rooms throughout TNG and other Star Trekincarnations. The trio also explore the sensor maintenance room ("Lonely Among Us"), the warp nacelle interior ("Eye of the Beholder"), the planetary sciences lab ("Pen Pals"), and the gymnasium, which was often used for patri-combat purposes ("The Icarus Factor").  

This tour of one-off locations also includes the docking port seen in "11001001" and the battle bridge access turbolift. Earl Grey ends up discovering a ship-wide rivalry that literally splits the ship into half, causing all to choose a side. Join this episode for the "blink and you miss it" parts of our favorite Galaxy-class starship as the once used sets of Next Gen are discussed.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen


Battle Bridge (00:03:41)
Redress (00:10:20)
Torpedo Bay (00:16:57)
Sensor Maintenance (00:21:41)
Warp Nacelle (00:25:47)
Competition (00:30:39)
Planetary Sciences Lab (00:38:12)
Gymnasium (00:40:22)
Docking Port (00:51:53)
Emergency Turbolift to Battlebridge (00:54:47)

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Direct download: eg-093.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 10:36pm MDT

Earl Grey 91: Fake It 'Til You Make It

Command Styles.

When it comes to command, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the pinnacle of Starfleet captains. However, many times in The Next Generation, Picard and his first officer Will Riker turn over command to other members of their crew. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren analyze the command styles of the other personnel who sat in the center seat of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and other starships, during various missions. 

They study second officer Lt. Commander Data's command tenure on both theEnterprise and the Sutherland ("Redemption, Part 2" and "Gambit, Parts 1 and 2"), Commander Beverly Crusher's time in the captain's chair ("Descent, Parts 1 and 2" and "All Good Things..."), Lt. Commander Deanna Troi's turn in command ("Disaster"), and Lieutenant junior grade Geordi LaForge's time as acting captain ("Arsenal of Freedom"). Earl Grey also discusses that other captain of theEnterprise-D, Captain Edward Jellico ("Chain of Command, Parts 1 and 2"). 

How did these commanders handle people? What challenges did many of them overcome as first time captains? How many of them consulted Livingston for advice in the ready room? Put on your red shirt so you can tug on it, as Earl Greydiscusses the command styles in TNG.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen


Data (Second Officer) (00:03:50)
Beverly Crusher (Commander)  (00:18:36)
Deanna Troi (Lt Commander/Commander) (00:24:57)
Geordi La Forge (Lt. Jr. Grade/Lt/Lt Commander) (00:32:02)
Edward Jellico (Captain) (00:38:02)
Final Thoughts (00:48:38)

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Direct download: eg-091.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 12:02am MDT

Earl Grey 90: The Fandom Experience

The Fandom Experience.

When it comes to experiencing the different levels of fandom of The Next Generation, it's safe to say that "the sky's the limit." Darren, Phillip, and Daniel explore the various ways of expressing TNG and general Star Trek fandom. They talk cosplaying (even including wearing a blue shirt!), attending Trek/general scifi & comic conventions, and what it's like to be members of a fan association like Starfleet International (www.sfi.org). Darren and Phillip share their personal SFI experiences, including the various types of chapters and methods of membership.

Earl Grey also discusses their own Trek game experiences, including the trio playing Star Trek Scene-It, the Last Unicorn version of a TNG tabletop role-playing game, #BridgeMates, and Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game: A Klingon Challenge. They also speculate on what the official Earl Grey fan club would look like, what it would be called, and imagine their Mirror Universe Star Wars podcast.  So grab that Starfleet uniform from the closet, purchase your con ticket, and update your Next Gen RPG character sheet as Earl Grey tackles the fandom experience. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Why Cosplay? (00:05:00)

Morph Suit (00:12:32)
Starfleet International (00:15:07)
USS GYGAX (00:23:07)
Star Trek Games (00:25:32)
EG TNG RPG (00:30:44)
Star Trek Scene It (00:35:45)
ST:TNGIVBG:AKC (00:36:42)
Good Ship Lollypop (00:42:53)
Final Thoughts (00:49:20)
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Direct download: eg-090.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:14pm MDT

Earl Grey 89: Who's Scotty?

The Original Series as Prerequisite. 

Viewers of The Next Generation started watching at different points in their Trek fandom -- for some, it was their first exposure to Star Trek, while other "legacy" Trekkies came to it after The Original Series and movies featuring Captain James T. Kirk and his crew. Guest co-host Andi VanderKolk, aka @FirstTimeTrek, joins Daniel, Darren, and Phillip in discussing how knowledge of TOS enhances the TNG viewing experience. 

Earl Grey explores whether it makes a difference if you discovered the character of Ambassador Sarek in the Next Gen episode "Sarek" without first seeing TOS "Journey to Babel." Does the appearance of Scotty ("Relics") and Spock ("Unification, Parts 1 and 2") have meaning without first experiencing the adventures of the NCC-1701 (no bloody A, B, C, or D!). We discuss "copy and paste" episodes like "The Naked Now" compared to "The Naked Time," and the use of Star Trek: Phase II scripts in TNG. Grab your copy of the 1966-1969 series, and explore how TOS is a required prerequisite for TNG.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Andi VanderKolk

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager
Will Nguyen


How Important is Knowing the Backstory? (00:08:32)
McCoy on Encounter at Farpoint (00:17:22)
Scotty / Relics (00:22:08)
Spock / Sarek (00:30:44)
The Naked Now (00:48:23)
Where No One Has Gone Before (00:53:44)
The Child (00:55:20)
Devils Due (00:56:20)
TNG handling TOS (01:03:32)
Closing (01:06:43)

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Direct download: eg-089.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 1:13am MDT

Earl Grey 88: The Minstrel Boy

War in TNG.

Just as in contemporary times, war can take many forms. Star Trek: The Next Generation did not feature a primary war akin to those stories featured in Deep Space Nine or Enterprise, however many enemies confronted Captain Picard and his crew. The Romulan Empire posed a continuing threat to the United Federation of Planets that stood on the brink of war ("The Defector"), the results of the off-screen Cardassian War became a source of many episodes ("The Wounded," "Chain of Command, Parts 1 and 2," "Journey's End," and "Preemptive Strike"), and the Borg presented a new form of warfare heretofore unknown to the 24th Century ("I, Borg" and "Descent, Parts 1 and 2"). 

Phillip, Daniel, and Darren explore whether there are modern parallels to the "post-Wolf 359" era of TNG, how its combat/conflict compares to other Trek series, and how the serious potential for galactic war was continuously tackled by the flagship U.S.S. Enterprise. Come sing a mournful ballad of "The Minstrel Boy" and join Earl Grey as they discuss the role of war in Next Gen.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager
Will Nguyen
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Direct download: eg-088.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 12:49am MDT

Earl Grey 87: OUTATIME

Time Travel.

Time travel and Star Trek go hand-in-glove, so it was no surprise that The Next Generation crew had several "timey-wimey" adventures in its seven years on television and in the feature films. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip go "OUTATIME" in this episode, exploring episodes including "Timescape," "Cause and Effect," "Time Squared," "Time's Arrow, Parts 1 and 2," and Star Trek: First Contact

The Earl Grey trio break down all the times Captain Jean-Luc Picard would have been visited by the laugh-a-minute members of the Federation's Temporal Investigations unit with TNG's experiences with time loops, temporal anomalies, and Q's TARDIS-like powers. Prepare to experience a "Quantum Leap" of traveling across the space-time continuum with the Enterprise-D 's "Excellent Adventure" as they try to avoid predestination-paradoxes, and enjoy this episode about TNG and time travel.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager
Will Nguyen


Cause and Effect (00:02:07)
Time Squared (00:05:07)
We'll Always Have Paris (00:10:21)
Yesterday's Enterprise (00:15:26)
2 (00:22:25)
Times Arrow (00:24:21)
First Contact (00:29:15)
All Good Things (00:34:52)
3 (00:39:38)
Timescape (00:41:22)
Captains Holiday (00:47:03)
Star Trek: Interactive VCR Board Game / A Klingon Challenge (00:48:13)
A Matter of Time (00:50:24)
Tapestry (00:51:49)
Firstborn (00:52:58)
4 (00:55:03)
Final Thoughts (00:56:22)
Closing (01:01:37)

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Direct download: eg-087.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 9:57pm MDT

Earl Grey 70: Comedy Gold Pressed Latinum

Comedic Episodes.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is a show that tackles serious issues, including life and death, morality, mortality, and the meaning of existence. However, TNGalso features many comedic episodes and moments showing that it does not take itself too seriously. Comedy features in Q's many appearances (either showing up naked on the bridge or as the Sheriff of Nottingham) to Lwaxana Troi chasing Captain Picard around the Enterprise. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren discuss their favorite comedic episodes, from "Captain's Holiday" to "A Fistful of Datas," as well as the lines and moments that made them laugh just like Data at the end of "Deja Q." Join in the laughter as Earl Grey initialize The Comic Holodeck program and talk comedy in TNG.

Phillip Gilfus, Daniel Proulx, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Coordinator
Will Nguyen


Deja Q (00:04:39)
QPid (00:10:15)
Manhunt (00:19:25)
Captain's Holiday (00:26:19)
A Fistful of Datas (00:30:56)
TNG Funny Highlights (00:36:15)
Closing (00:45:05)

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Direct download: eg-070.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 5:19am MDT

Earl Grey 64: To Absent Friends

Death in TNG.

All good things must come to an end, and in The Next Generation, that means the deaths of many favorite (and perhaps not so favorite) characters. Mr. Data meets his demise in the final feature film Star Trek: Nemesis, the first security chief Tasha Yar dies a senseless death in the season one episode "Skin of Evil," and memorable guest star K'Ehleyr is murdered by Duras in "Reunion." These deaths affected our TNG characters and fans, leading to debates about whether these deaths served a purpose or whether they should have been avoided. Phillip, Darren, and Daniel discuss the end of these characters and others in this episode, asking how those deaths were treated, what was the aftermath, and what death teaches us about the dangers of exploring the final frontier.

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser


Data (00:03:20)
Yar (00:19:30)
K'Ehleyr (00:29:10)
Lt Hawk (00:36:54)
The Chorus (00:42:20)
Q Who Deaths (00:43:42)
The Bonding (00:49:50)
Final Thoughts (00:51:11)

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Direct download: eg-064.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 10:00pm MDT

Earl Grey 63: Does Data Dream of Positronic Sheep

AI in the 24th Century.

Star Trek The Original Series is filled with the twenty-third century crew encountering robots, androids, and god-like computers. In the twenty-fourth century, artificial intelligence still surprises Starfleet's flagship, falling under the category of "new life and new civilizations."

In the episode of Earl Grey, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip discuss The Next Generation's episodes that feature Soong-type androids, Starfleet's computer systems (LCARS), holographic intelligence ("Elementary, Dear Data" and "Ship in a Bottle"), and machines that grow beyond their original programming ("Evolution" and "The Quality of Life"). What is the definition of life? How does artificial intelligence in TNG challenge that definition? Join us as we tackle these issues.



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producer

Will Nguyen



Data: Encounter at Farpoint (00:03:09)

Lore: Brothers (00:06:45)

Lal: The Offspring (00:10:36)

The Computer: Emergence (00:17:00)

Minuet: 11001001  (00:25:51)

Moriarty: Ship in a Bottle (00:31:02)

Exocomps: Quality of Life (00:39:11)

Nanites: Evolution (00:44:31)

Closing (00:46:14)


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Direct download: eg-063.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Earl Grey 61: VISOR Infomercial

Lost Plotlines.

There are times when an episode of The Next Generation causes a viewer to ask, "Hey, whatever happened to…?" TNG is sometimes criticized as being too episodic compared to more modern television shows thanks to characters, guest stars, and plotlines that would be introduced and then promptly disappear.

In this episode of Earl Grey, Phillip, Daniel, and Darren explore these vanishing acts, from Dr. Pulaski telling La Forge that she could give him ocular implants in "Loud As a Whisper" to a conclusion for Commander Sela in "Redemption" and "Unification" to the destructive effects of warp travel in "Force of Nature." Join us as we imagine the storylines that could have been if followed up on in later TNG, DS9, or Voyager.



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producers

Become one! Support Trek.fm and Earl Grey at the $25/month level or higher! Visit http://patreon.com/trekfm



Geordi's Sight (4:00)

Sela (9:40)

Ambassador Tomalak (15:40)

Wesley (17:20)

Jeremy Aster (19:05)

Bynars (20:52)

Tin Man (24:55)

Conspiracy (28:46)

Ship In a Bottle (36:00)

Warp Speed Limit (41:00)

Q (43:16)


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Direct download: eg-061.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 11:33pm MDT

Earl Grey 60: Save the Stardate

The Worf-Dax TNG Wedding Invitations.

We all remember the big wedding in Star Trek: Nemesis that finally united two characters who we saw fall in love throughout the years on TNG. But we would have loved to see our beloved TNG crew attend Lt. Commander Worf's wedding years prior in the Deep Space Nine episode "You Are Cordially Invited." The real-life limitations of budget, an existing storyline, and actor availability kept our favorite Klingon's friends and family from attending the ceremony. Nevertheless, in this episode of Earl Grey, we discuss who should have been sent calligraphy-engraved PADDs inviting them to attack Worf with painsticks at his bachelor party. From Worf's adopted parents and brother, to his closest friends on the Enterprise-E, to other people he encountered while serving under Picard, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip arrange the seating at the wedding reception to include those who would have enjoyed being part of Worf and Jadzia Dax saying, "I do."



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producers

Become one! Support Trek.fm and Earl Grey at the $25/month level or higher! Visit http://patreon.com/trekfm



The Setting (5:13)

Where Were the TNG crew? (9:38)

Captain Picard/Riker (10:05)

Mr. & Mrs. Rozhenko (16:46)

Nikolai Rozhenko (20:44)

Kurn (21:32)

Jeremy Aster (22:06)

Dr. Pulaski (23:08)

Guinan (23:53)

Data (28:26)

K'Ehleyr (30:43)

Crossover Conundrum (32:02)

Alexander (33:56)


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Direct download: eg-060.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 6:00am MDT

Earl Grey 53: A Cellular Peptide Cake

Top Five Favorite Episodes.

Whenever fans of The Next Generation gather together, there is an inevitable discussion about which are the best episodes. Earl Grey marks their one-year anniversary by discussing each of the co-hosts five personal favorite episodes. The discussion includes fan favorites such as "Tapestry," the two-parter "The Best of Both Worlds," and the series finale "All Good Things..." as well as "Family," "Gambit, Parts 1 & 2," and "Lower Decks." Daniel Proulx, Darren Moser, and Phillip Gilfus celebrate their favorite Star Trek series and why they continue to spend every week discussing all things TNG.


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Fifth Favorite

Darren: The Quality of Life (7:12)

Phillip: In Theory (11:17)

Daniel: Sarek (15:00)


Fourth Favorite

Darren: Starship Mine (21:00)

Phillip: Disaster (25:50)

Daniel: Tapestry (30:26)


Third Favorite

Darren: The Pegasus (35:10)

Phillip: Rascals (41:03)

Daniel: All Good Things... (43:52)


Second Favorite

Darren: Gambit (47:44)

Phillip: Deja Q (54:20)

Daniel: The Best of Both Worlds (56:52)


First Favorite

Darren: Yesterdays Enterprise (1:04:03)

Phillip: Family (1:11:07)

Daniel: Lower Decks (1:18:00)

Direct download: eg-053.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Earl Grey 52: Robbing the Kromulan Cradle

Romantic Guest Stars.

Every Star Trek series features guest stars who provide romance for our favorite characters. In this episode of Earl Grey, we discuss the non-Picard romances from The Next Generation. Whether you wanted Suzie Plakson's K'Ehleyr to appear more or thought Data was everyone's "magical boyfriend," Phillip, Darren, and Daniel follow their hearts in analyzing this series's romances. 

Direct download: eg-052.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 48: Forty Eight Minutes Remain

The Top 47 Things We Love About Trek, Part 2. 

The number 47 repeatedly comes up in The Next Generation, but since Star Trek is currently celebrating its 48th year, Earl Grey uses its 48th episode to continue our look at the 47 things we love about Trek. In part two of this round-robin discussion, Darren Moser, Daniel Proulx, and Phillip Gilfus complete their run through the 47 greatest aspects of Star Trek as they cover the role of female characters, specific episodes, the various series, ship model sets, and more.


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36 Creating role models (PG) (1:12)

37 One Little Ship - DS9 (DM) (3:14)

38 The Movies! (DP) (5:05)

39 TOS - An exciting adventure (PG) (9:50)

40 Model Kits! (DM) (12:43)

41 Women of Trek (DP) (17:30)

42 DS9 - How today could be like if we tried (PG) (23:18)

43 Message In A Bottle (DM) (26:43)

44 Broken Bow (DP) (29:50)

45 VOY - How to best handle crisis (PG) (34:04)

46 Incorrect Next Week promos (DM) (36:01)

47 Future Trek (DP) (38:13)

Direct download: eg-048.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 2:00am MDT

Earl Grey 47: Starfleet Code 47

The Top 47 Things We Love About Trek, Part 1. 

Most fans are aware of the reoccurrence of the number 47 in TNG and subsequent Star Trek series. Join us as Earl Grey celebrates its 47th episode—and the larger "47 conspiracy"—by listing the 47 things we believe make Star Trek a great television and movie franchise as it approaches its half-century mark. Darren Moser, Daniel Proulx, and Phillip Gilfus deliver a round-robin discussion of philosophy, ships, episodes, costumes, and more as they explain why they love all things Trek.

Direct download: eg-047.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 46: My Blu-ray Keeps Skipping This One

Most Forgettable TNG Episodes.

Even the most die-hard TNG fan may have trouble remembering the storylines for all 178 episodes that span the seven season of the television show. A good, bad, or mediocre episode can still come as a complete surprise when one does a rewatch of the series. In this episode of Earl Grey, Daniel Proulx, Darren Moser, and Phillip Gilfus do a round-robin style listing of the episodes they can barely remember from The Next Generation. See if you remember these stories that faded into the recesses of our minds. 

Direct download: eg-046.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

Earl Grey 43: What You Leave Behind

Lost Elements from TOS.

How much changes in the Star Trek universe in 100 years? When The Next Generation first aired in 1987, viewers discovered a new Enterprise, a new crew, as well as writers and producers who wanted to "update" several aspects of The Original Series. In this episode of Earl Grey, Daniel Proulx, Darren Moser, and Phillip Gilfus discuss which elements from TOS were purposefully avoided, and whether it was a mistake to "reinvent" Star Trek too much or if it helped TNG create its own unique identity as the newest Star Trek television series.

Direct download: eg-043.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 5:00am MDT

Earl Grey 42: Skants Out the Airlock

Uniforms & Wardrobe in TNG

Fans may debate how much the TNG crew evolved over their many missions, but there is no question that their uniforms evolved from the initial television pilot "Encounter at Farpoint" to the last feature film, Star Trek: Nemesis. From the four kinds of Starfleet uniforms worn by the 24th-century Enterprise officers and crew to the surprisingly skimpy and full-of-ruffles civilian clothes, Phillip Gilfus, Daniel Proulx, and Darren Moser discuss skants, dress uniforms, and alien costumes in this fashion-forward episode of Earl Grey.

Direct download: eg-042.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 6:20am MDT

Earl Grey 36: No Dating In The Workplace

Picard's Romances.

One of the first differences viewers noticed between Captain Picard and his legendary predecessor was his attitude towards love. While not as famous as Kirk's, Picard himself has an interesting and varied history with romance. In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Phillip Gilfus, Darren Moser, and Daniel Proulx talk all things love as it relates to Jean Luc Picard. From his early relationships before the show even started, in episodes like "Tapestry" and "We'll Always Have Paris," to alternate future marriages with Beverly Crusher—and all flings in between—this week's cup of Earl Grey is extra hot.

Direct download: eg-036.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 2:30am MDT

 Earl Grey 32: The Magnificent Seven

The Seven/Seven Challenge.

In each of season of The Next Generation, there are naturally community and fan favorites. In this week’s episode of Earl Grey, our hosts are given the challenge of choosing just a single episode—the one and only story they can’t live without—from each of TNG's seven seasons. Join hosts Phillip Gilfus, Darren Moser, and Daniel Proulx as they try their best to boil down each season into one forty-minute episode. If you could only choose one episode per season, which would it be?

Direct download: eg-032.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 9:00pm MDT






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