Earl Grey 63: Does Data Dream of Positronic Sheep

AI in the 24th Century.

Star Trek The Original Series is filled with the twenty-third century crew encountering robots, androids, and god-like computers. In the twenty-fourth century, artificial intelligence still surprises Starfleet's flagship, falling under the category of "new life and new civilizations."

In the episode of Earl Grey, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip discuss The Next Generation's episodes that feature Soong-type androids, Starfleet's computer systems (LCARS), holographic intelligence ("Elementary, Dear Data" and "Ship in a Bottle"), and machines that grow beyond their original programming ("Evolution" and "The Quality of Life"). What is the definition of life? How does artificial intelligence in TNG challenge that definition? Join us as we tackle these issues.



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producer

Will Nguyen



Data: Encounter at Farpoint (00:03:09)

Lore: Brothers (00:06:45)

Lal: The Offspring (00:10:36)

The Computer: Emergence (00:17:00)

Minuet: 11001001  (00:25:51)

Moriarty: Ship in a Bottle (00:31:02)

Exocomps: Quality of Life (00:39:11)

Nanites: Evolution (00:44:31)

Closing (00:46:14)


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Direct download: eg-063.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Earl Grey 62: Armrest Cheat Sheet

Season Four Overview.

Viewers flocked to the season-four premiere of The Next Generation to see if the Enterprise-D would survive the Borg attack and whether Locutus of Borg versus Captain William T. Riker would mean the end of Jean-Luc Picard. The rest of the season introduced the family members of our crew ("Family," "Brothers," "Reunion"), saw Chief O'Brien get married ("Data's Day"), and Wesley Crusher finally moved on from the Federation flagship ("Final Mission").

In this episode of Earl Grey, Daniel, Phillip, and Darren discuss the introduction of the Cardassians, the expansion of the Klingon civil war arc (featuring Daniel's favorite shadowy Romulan), and what episodes made us laugh, think, and cry the most during the season that fully established TNG as a Star Trek incarnation with its own identity and success.



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producer

Will Nguyen



The Best of Both Worlds (2:03)

Family (5:51)

Passing TOS (11:03)

Family Season? (16:51)

Wesley Leaving (21:03)

O'Brien (30:25)

Highlights of Season Four (33:37) 

Fun with Titles (38:58)

Q (44:20)

Final Thoughts (47:00)

Closing (52:03)


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Direct download: eg-062.mp3
Category:Season Overviews -- posted at: 6:00am MDT

Earl Grey 61: VISOR Infomercial

Lost Plotlines.

There are times when an episode of The Next Generation causes a viewer to ask, "Hey, whatever happened to…?" TNG is sometimes criticized as being too episodic compared to more modern television shows thanks to characters, guest stars, and plotlines that would be introduced and then promptly disappear.

In this episode of Earl Grey, Phillip, Daniel, and Darren explore these vanishing acts, from Dr. Pulaski telling La Forge that she could give him ocular implants in "Loud As a Whisper" to a conclusion for Commander Sela in "Redemption" and "Unification" to the destructive effects of warp travel in "Force of Nature." Join us as we imagine the storylines that could have been if followed up on in later TNG, DS9, or Voyager.



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producers

Become one! Support Trek.fm and Earl Grey at the $25/month level or higher! Visit http://patreon.com/trekfm



Geordi's Sight (4:00)

Sela (9:40)

Ambassador Tomalak (15:40)

Wesley (17:20)

Jeremy Aster (19:05)

Bynars (20:52)

Tin Man (24:55)

Conspiracy (28:46)

Ship In a Bottle (36:00)

Warp Speed Limit (41:00)

Q (43:16)


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Direct download: eg-061.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 11:33pm MDT

Earl Grey 60: Save the Stardate

The Worf-Dax TNG Wedding Invitations.

We all remember the big wedding in Star Trek: Nemesis that finally united two characters who we saw fall in love throughout the years on TNG. But we would have loved to see our beloved TNG crew attend Lt. Commander Worf's wedding years prior in the Deep Space Nine episode "You Are Cordially Invited." The real-life limitations of budget, an existing storyline, and actor availability kept our favorite Klingon's friends and family from attending the ceremony. Nevertheless, in this episode of Earl Grey, we discuss who should have been sent calligraphy-engraved PADDs inviting them to attack Worf with painsticks at his bachelor party. From Worf's adopted parents and brother, to his closest friends on the Enterprise-E, to other people he encountered while serving under Picard, Darren, Daniel, and Phillip arrange the seating at the wedding reception to include those who would have enjoyed being part of Worf and Jadzia Dax saying, "I do."



Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser


Editor and Producer

Darren Moser


Associate Producers

Become one! Support Trek.fm and Earl Grey at the $25/month level or higher! Visit http://patreon.com/trekfm



The Setting (5:13)

Where Were the TNG crew? (9:38)

Captain Picard/Riker (10:05)

Mr. & Mrs. Rozhenko (16:46)

Nikolai Rozhenko (20:44)

Kurn (21:32)

Jeremy Aster (22:06)

Dr. Pulaski (23:08)

Guinan (23:53)

Data (28:26)

K'Ehleyr (30:43)

Crossover Conundrum (32:02)

Alexander (33:56)


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Direct download: eg-060.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 6:00am MDT






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