Religion in TNG.

The classic topics that are considered impolite to discuss with company are money, religion, and politics. Since Earl Grey already did an episode about money ("EG 58: Scarcity, Scarcity, Scarcity"), it is now time for them to discuss religion. Most fans know that Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was an atheist who believed that humans would "outgrow" religion by the 23rd and 24th centuries. The Next Generation features a diverse crew who do not seem to display any beliefs that one would characterize as "religious." Phillip, Daniel, and Darren nevertheless examine Lieutenant Worf's Klingon culturalism and his battles with faith ("Rightful Heir"), Lt. Cmdr Data's search for self-actualization with his "creator" ("Brothers"), and Capt. Picard's role as a leader of a crew with various religious/non-religion beliefs.

The trio also examines the "guest star" aliens' religious beliefs, from Ensign Ro's "cultural Bajora-ism," the conflict in "Who Watches the Watchers?", to the enduring Native American spiritualism in "Journey's End,"; from Ardra's role as the Devil ("Devil's Due"), to the role of "doctrine" in "The Outcast." Join Earl Grey for a discussion about the nature of religion and personal beliefs in The Next Generation.

Intro (00:02:05)
Enterprise Crew religions/beliefs
Worf (00:03:42)
Data (00:14:26)
Ro (00:20:18)
Picard (00:27:53)
Riker/La Forge/Troi/Crusher - ???
Alien religion/beliefs
Ardra (00:35:27)
Journey's End (00:40:31)
The Outcast (00:44:21)
Closing (00:48:40)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Direct download: eg-146.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

145: It's Too Short A Season
Essential TNG Season 2.

Daniel, Darren and Phillip continue the proud "essential" tradition of breaking down a season of their favorite series, sorting through which episodes should be officially kept. The trio begins, reluctantly, with "The Child" and makes their way through Next Gen's too short a season, all the way to "Shades of Grey." There are quite a few 2-1 votes for whether an episode is considered "essential" in this installment - that is, whether it embodies the spirit of TNG or sets up much-needed elements for later Next Gen or later parts of the subsequent Trek series. Earl Grey discusses when Lwaxana Troi should "officially" show up, whether "Q Who?" should be "very essential" or "most essential," and if Worf's "two bridges?!?!" must officially be retired.

Season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation suffered from a series of writer strikes and bad plots, along with captivating stories ("The Measure of a Man"), new characters (e.g., Guinan and Dr. Pulaski), and promotions for our crew. Join Earl Grey as they hold up season two to the "essential" winnowing process.

Episodes (00:05:09)
The Child (Yes)
Where Silence Has Lease (No)
Elementary, Dear Data (Yes)
The Outrageous Okona (No)
Loud As A Whisper (Yes)
The Schizoid Man (No)
Unnatural Selection (No)
A Matter Of Honor (Yes)
The Measure Of A Man (No)
The Dauphin (No)
Contagion (Yes)
The Royale (No)
Time Squared (No)
The Icarus Factor (Yes)
Pen Pals (Yes)
Q Who (Yes)
Samaritan Snare (Yes)
Up The Long Ladder (No)
Manhunt (Yes)
The Emissary (Yes)
Peak Performance (Yes)
Shades of Gray (No)
12 Yes / 10 No
Final Thoughts (00:54:59)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
Direct download: eg-145.mp3
Category:Essential -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Holodeck Tools.

It's a Star Trek cliche in the 24th Century - the Holodeck breaks down, threatening our favorite Starfleet crew members, and hijinx ensue. However, the concept of the Holodeck means more than just using it for off-hour recreational purposes. The use of holographic technology changes the way the crew of the NCC-1701-D approach their work and the way they view their lives. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip dissect The Next Generation's use of the Holodeck as a tool in the workplace.

The Federation flagship, like the modern office, must conduct employee training - but instead of tedious PowerPoint presentations, officers take tests in the Holodeck for promotion ("Thine Own Self"). Instead of researching documents on LexisNexis, crewmembers can call up holographic recreations of facilities and people who can directly give needed information ("Booby Trap"). Groups who need to reconstruct people's memories or eyewitness accounts can congregate in the Holodeck to see if they can create the same picture ("Schisms"/"A Matter of Perspective"). Join Earl Grey as they outline the many non-fantasy uses of the Holodeck.

Troi - Officers Exam Main Engineering (Thine Own Self) 7/16 (00:03:17)
Geordi - Utopia Planitia (Booby Trap) 3/6 (00:12:13)
Nikolai - Scenery and Caves (Homeward) 7/13 (00:16:19)
Geordi - Away Mission (Identity Crisis) 4/18 (00:21:38)
Enterprise - Train to New Vertiform City Simulation (Emergence) 7/23 (00:25:23)
Barcly - Interface Chair (The Nth Degree) 4/19 (00:31:16)
Picard - Covert Mission Training (Chain of Command) 6/10 (00:33:01)
Riker - Table Making (Schisms) 6/5 (00:35:00)
Picard - Science Station (A Matter of Perspective) 3/14 (00:37:17)
Daniel's Soap Box (00:42:00)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

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Direct download: eg-144.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

143: La Forging His Own Tools
La Forge Character Moments.

Star Trek: The Next Generation features great characters, but there's no doubt that Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lt. Commander Data get the bulk of fan attention. Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge does not often get the spotlight, so in this episode, Phillip, Darren, and Daniel showcase his best moments. The trio goes round-robin, discussing episodes like "The Arsenal of Freedom," "I, Borg," and "Interface."

Levar Burton embodied a memorable character for seven years on television and in four feature films - whether portraying a desire for sight, a strong friendship with an android, or a passion in his beliefs. His laughter and ability to emote behind the VISOR makes Lt. Commander La Forge a great member of the TNG family. Join Earl Grey as the discuss their favorite Next Gen moments featuring La Forge.

Intro (00:02:05)
Favorite Moments (00:03:00)
Honorable Mentions (00:46:50)
Conclusion (00:48:18)

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter  (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Direct download: eg-143.mp3
Category:Character Analysis -- posted at: 7:00am MDT






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