Earl Grey 120: Rebel Without a Clause

Cardassian/Maquis Conflict.

The Next Generation often introduced "aliens of the week" that may be referenced one or two more times before being forgotten about entirely. The episode "The Wounded" introduced a strange, new alien species, the Cardassians, who apparently were at war with the Federation for a significant amount of time. A controversial peace treaty finally brought peace between the two powers, leading to an uneasy alliance. However, the price of that peace was unhappy Federation colonists ("Journey's End") that would eventually lead to the rise of the Maquis ("Preemptive Strike").

Phillip, Daniel, and Darren discuss Next Gen's culmination of a story line that would be developed by Deep Space Nine ("The Maquis, Parts 1 and 2") and serve, essentially, as springboards for both the creation of DS9 and Voyager. From the origins of the memorable Bloody, Bloody Cardassian War to the political turmoil of the Demilitarized Zone to raiders attacking Federation and Cardassian targets - the Maquis storyline certainly showed that it was not all one "happy, shiny, perfect Federation" in TNG. Join Earl Grey as they tackle this ever-present storyline of the Cardassian-Maquis conflict. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

The Bloody Bloody Cardassian War ("The Wounded") (00:05:50)
DMZ - Demilitarized Zone (00:11:23)
Preemptive Strike & The Maquis, Parts 1 and 2 (00:28:34)
TNG/DS9/VOY - Was the Maquis conflict handled similarly among all the series? (00:37:52)

Final Thoughts (00:49:24)

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Direct download: eg-120.mp3
Category:Federation -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

The First Duty Commentary.

In The Original Series, their movies, and early The Next Generation, Star Trek continually referenced Starfleet Academy, the training ground for our favorite officers. However, fans did not get their first introduction to the San Francisco-based Academy until the nineteenth episode of TNG's fifth season, "The First Duty." Daniel, Darren, and Phillip fire up this memorable episode and provide a commentary.

This episode focuses on Cadets Wesley Crusher, Sito Jaxa ("Lower Decks") and Tom Par-, um, Nicholas Locarno, as their poor choices lead to the death of a fellow cadet, and an investigation forces Wesley to make a life-altering decision. This episode also introduces the Academy groundskeeper Boothby ("In the Flesh" [VOY]), who has mentored many future Starfleet commanders. So open the door (with a handle!) to a great Captain Jean-Luc Picard speech, put on your cadet uniform, and join Earl Grey for this commentary on "The First Duty." 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Commentary Start (00:06:44)
Final Thoughts (00:51:31)

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Direct download: eg-119.mp3
Category:Commentaries -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 118: Blue Shirts Win The House Cup

Starfleet Career Path.

Many fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation and all other Trek incarnations continually imagine what life is like as a Starfleet officer. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren decide to play "guidance counselor" and explore the actual Starfleet career track. They begin with Next Gen's debut of Starfleet Academy in "The First Duty," as well as the multiple references to various crew member's experiences, including their application process to the Academy or their life as cadets.

Earl Grey then goes through the ranks step-by-step, exploring what life is like as a "blue" (science/medical) or "red" (command) shirt. What does a science lieutenant junior grade do on the Enterprise-D? Do red shirt ensigns do anything else other than pilot the ship? How can you be in command of anything when you are the lowest rank? The trio also reveals the "secret" behind the post-grad school blue shirt experience and spends time with the "Lower Decks," discussing life as a junior officer on the flagship. So put on the Academy sorting hat to determine your hous-...color uniform and enjoy this episode that analyzes the Starfleet career path.  

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Starfleet Cadet (00:05:25)
Blue Shirt (Science/Medical) (00:13:13)
Ensign - Wes' team in "Pen Pals"
LTJG - Ogawa, Nightmare Picard (00:16:52)
LT - Dr. Selar (00:18:52)
LTCMDR - Darren, Troi (00:24:25)
CMDR - Bruce Maddox, Crusher, Pulaski, (00:27:08)
Red Shirt (Command) (00:33:12)
LTJG - Worf, LaForge (00:35:56)
LT - Hawk (00:38:02)
LTCMDR - Shelby, Dexter Remmick (00:41:32)
CMDR - Riker (00:43:21)
CAPTAIN - Picard, Louvois (00:45:17)
ADMIRAL - (00:47:09)

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Direct download: eg-118.mp3
Category:Federation -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

TNG Guest Stars.

The Next Generation was not accepted as official "Star Trek" during its first episodes and seasons, but it did not take long for TNG to become a pop culture phenomena. Every Trek series attracts guest stars, but there are also celebrities who, as Trekkies themselves, would love a chance to appear on the starship Enterprise. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip talk about those cameos and special appearances in this episode.

Actors from other famous TV shows and movies, including Kelsey Grammer ("Cause and Effect"), Kirsten Dunst ("Dark Page"), and Ashley Judd ("Darmok," "The Game"), appeared on the flagship in various episodes. However, there are those from the fields of science, e.g., astronaut Mae Jamison ("Second Chances") and Stephen Hawking ("Descent, Part 1"), and music, e.g., Michelle Phillips ("We'll Always Have Paris") and Mick Fleetwood ("Manhunt"), who wish to appear on their favorite television show. Join Earl Grey as they tour all the guests star of Next Gen who added a spark of celebrity of our favorite Trek series. 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Guest Stars (00:02:50)
Ken Jenkins -  Dr. Paul Stubbs “Evolution” (00:12:07)
Ashley Judd - Robin Lefler “Darmok” and “The Game.” (00:17:00)
Teri Hatcher - Lieutenant B.G. Robinson “The Outrageous Okona”. (00:20:30)
James Cromwell - Zefram Cochrane “Star Trek: First Contact” (00:22:37)
Stephen Hawking - Himself "Decent" (00:27:49)
Mae Jamison - Lt. JG Palmer "Second Chances" (00:34:10)
Terry O'Quinn -  Admiral Eric Pressman "The Pegasus." (00:47:10)
Saul Rubinek -  Kivas Fajo "The Most Toys" (00:50:56)

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Direct download: eg-117.mp3
Category:List Shows -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Earl Grey 116: The Minstrel Boy

Chief O'Brien.

Husband. Father. Soldier. Bored transporter chief. He goes by many titles, but Chief Miles Edward O'Brien made an impression on Next Generation viewers from the first moment he piloted the stardrive section of the new flagship in "Encounter at Fairpoint." Even though Miles changed from red to gold (and changed ranks even more often!), this secondary character was a vital part of the Enterprise-D crew. Daniel, Darren, and Phillip lay out a character profile that follows Miles from his wedding to Keiko, to the birth of his first child Molly, and all the way until his last moment in Transporter Room 3, before he disembarked on a seven-year adventure on Deep Space Nine.

Join Earl Grey as they go through Chief O'Brien's many episodes, analyzing his "every man" role, his unique role as a Starfleet non-commissioned officer, and how his reactions to "boldly going where no one has gone before" made the series even stronger. So cuddle up with your pet spider, get your ship ready to be placed in a bottle, and enjoy this character profile on Chief O'Brien.  

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production Manager
Richard Marquez
Content Manager

Will Nguyen

Overview (00:04:07)
Everyman (00:08:15)
Uniform/Rank (00:15:52)
Favorite Moments (00:26:15)
Movie O'brien? (00:44:16)
Worf/O'brien Dynamic (00:47:30)
Final Thoughts (00:50:59)

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Direct download: eg-116.mp3
Category:Character Analysis -- posted at: 6:00am MDT






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